Artist Of The Week
October 2, 2018
Forest Efken, Senior
When did you get into art?
“I started taking art seriously when I was around 11 years old. I didn’t have any friends and I grew up in an isolated house. I had this babysitter because my mom worked a lot and she liked anime and drawing. I really liked how her art looked. In a way, art saved my life because it was the only thing I cared about.”
Is there a main artist who inspires you?
“My favorite artist is Yana Toboso.”
What kind of art do you enjoy the most?
“I am better at drawing and pencil art. Not painting, because it is easier to doodle on the side of your homework pages then it is to break out your paints. So I am better at that.”
What are your plans for the future with art?
“I want to go into sequential art at SCAD [Savannah College of Art and Design] in Georgia, it’s an art school. Sequential art is art and sequence. So graphic novels, comic books, storyboarding and for me, I am a nerd and like anime.”
Forest Efken is in theatre, Chamber Choir and band. Efken participates in the Little Apple Horns Choir.