Increase national security

Joseph Sell, Online Editor-In-Chief

The White House has been attacked. A perpetrator jumped the White House fence. They threw a bomb and blew up the Oval Office. The President is dead along with the Secretary of Defense.

This easily could have been the news after a man jumped the White House fence last week. The perpetrator sustained injuries and was taken to the hospital for treatment.

This is the second incident in the past month in which a person has hopped over the fence of the residence of the president.

What does this say to organizations that wish to harm the president or United States?

The defense of the most important man in Washington, D.C. is weak. If you want to attack the president you simply have to hop a fence and attack. If two unarmed, likely untrained, civilians can jump the fence, what prevents trained terrorists?


The two White House fence jumpers were both apprehended but have yet to face charges. In addition to the White House fence jumpers, bullet holes were found in the front window of the building.

It is necessary that two things happen in the infrastructure of the government to prevent further incidents. They need to punish the jumpers with the crime of threatening national security and the president. The punishment for the crime is currently at max five years in prison. This should be set higher to either life in prison or death.

In the case of an immediate threat to national security, such as jumping the White House fence, the perpetrator should be immediately disabled via a taser or gunshot if obviously armed.

After this change in policy is set into place by the government, the next step is to enforce them. The start is by locking away the two White House fence jumpers. If another person jumps the White House fence, they should get shot or tased.

This sends out a message to those who wish to attack us. A message that says that if you get close to the most powerful man in the country, we will not take it. The president will not be killed in office.