Cheer competes at only competition of the year
Sophomore Carrie Cave practices basketball cheers and moves with other members of the squad during the Manhattan High cheer practice after school on Dec. 3.
December 3, 2018
For many high school athletic programs, a team has several months of competitions, allowing time to improve and learn from previous competitions as the season continues. With Manhattan High cheer that is not the case, as they fell short in the finals of their only competition event of the season.
“This is our first year going to this competition,” junior Jamia Roberts said. “The coaches were not really sure what should be put into a routine for a competition like this. We did the best we could with not knowing a lot. We all worked hard on what we had and we only took people who were truly interested in going to this competition because they wanted dedication and next year maybe we will be able to place.”
The competition included three different routines the teams had to compose and practice before eventually performing at the competition. After performing these three routines, the teams that make it to finals then have to combine them into one singular performance, all while surrounded by fans and judges from across the state.
“While I was competing I was in shock that I was actually doing something outside my comfort zone,” senior Taylor Hughston said. “If it was my last time competing in high school at least I got to experience what a competition was like.”
The team competed against roughly 23 6A teams. Despite not making it to finals, the team received no deductions for illegal actions.
“It was actually really exciting to know that we didn’t do anything that we weren’t supposed to do and we did everything we were supposed to,” Roberts said. “We tried our best and that things went the way they should, all the teams there were super supportive of us everybody was really sweet it was just a really great environment. I’m really excited to go next year and overall it was just a really great experience being in front of the big crowd that we had.”
After competing themselves the team was able to watch the other 23 teams and saw more extravagant stunts than what was present in their own routines. Despite the difference in routines and no deductions for illegal actions, the team was still unable to make it to finals.
“It was disappointing when I heard we didn’t make it to finals but I was also really proud of our team overall,” Roberts said. “It was disappointing because we worked hard and we wanted to make it but to know that we did our best at everything made me really proud of our team and I was really impressed with the team that did make it to the finals. I didn’t go home feeling upset I went home feeling that I did my best and that my team did great and that’s all I can ask for.”
The team will continue their season, cheering at all of the home basketball games, including Friday as the basketball teams will play against Seaman.