Contest opportunity for Blue Light Journal
December 3, 2018
Through this month the Blue Light Journal, Manhattan High’s literary magazine, is hosting the first of several planned writing contests to recognize students and generate content for this year’s edition of the magazine.
For this first contest the BLJ board has chosen the theme “Connections.” Submissions for the contest can be turned in starting on Friday, and the winner will receive a $10 gift card to Chick-fil-A, as well as being featured in a section of the publication.
“I really hope that a lot more people will become involved and they’ll feel comfortable enough to submit their work and just see where their creativity can go,” said freshman Julianna Poe, a member of the BLJ board.
The BLJ board just wrapped up their Writing Wednesdays, where they met every Wednesday in November for National Novel Writing Month to encourage students to engage in creative writing. They’re also preparing to open the call for general entries for the literary magazine, which will be printed later in the second semester.
“The group is trying to establish the Blue Light Journal as something that will be permanent in school. We’re going to produce a publication that’s going to have creative writing pieces, art, photography and that will come as a tangible publication,” said Ann Lee, co-sponsor for the group. Kristy Nyp is the other sponsor.
The Blue Light Journal is one way for students at Manhattan High School to come together and share their perception of life through different creative ways. Students who are included in the publication would represent the school and the diversity in the building.
“We’re wanting this to be something really wonderful. That people will feel proud to be in or have their pieces be in,” Lee said.