Geometry classes race around math problems
December 11, 2018
Solving math problems to progress through challenges similar to the CBS show “The Amazing Race” has been a new project in Jancy Radke’s math classes this week.
Students are given a paper folded together similar to the actual tickets that the contestants on the show receive during the race. The paper the students are given is a worksheet of problems. Once the students complete their worksheet of problems it reveals a word. The students then have to retrieve the solved answer gave to Radke so they could get their next ticket.
Some tickets had an orange slip in it named ‘Detour’. When students receive one of the slips, it had the students move one of two places: senior administrative assistant Michelle Heit’s office or registrar Diane Spiegel’s office.
When the students were directed to Heit’s office, they either had to bring her a piece of candy or make three ‘trashcan’ balls,
But when students were directed to Spiegel’s office, they either had to make a paper snowflake or sing her a Christmas carol.
Majority of students enjoyed all of the activities that the detours took them on. Whether they were to take them to the senior office or main office.
“[My favorite activity would be] the snowflake thing and having to deliver a snowflake to the main office,” sophomore Colton Johnson said. “It was it was unexpected, and it was kind of Christmas themed, which is unique.”
A majority of the students enjoyed the activities that took place in Heit’s office.
“The part I enjoyed the most was the part where we had to shoot a certain number of trash balls into the trash can,” sophomore Brogan Flint said. “I seemed to enjoy this because it is a somewhat sporty activity.”
The students weren’t the only ones who enjoyed experiencing the activities that had them engaged. Heit also enjoyed seeing the students coming in her office.
“It was exciting because they weren’t really sure what they were doing. Some of them came in and shot baskets. Some of them, [weren’t] so great,” Heit said. “It was very entertaining to watch them play and not do very well.”
Radke said that it really got the students involved in the activity and got the students moving around the school.
“It was just a fun way to get them out and moving, wandering around and also practicing working with congruent shapes,” Radke said. “I have kids who don’t usually participate. But everyone was participating.”