Anime Club raises money for MHS
December 17, 2018
This year at Manhattan High, the anime club has partnered with the Gay Straight Alliance club to raise funds not just for the school, but also for other activities.
One activity, in particular, is the club’s yearly trip to Naka-Kon on Mar. 17-19 in Overland Park, Kansas. Naka-Kon is a large cosplay convention where fans from all over Kansas can come together and express their love for anime with costumes and games. After speaking with special education teacher and club sponsor, Tiffany Stevenson, you could tell that the students had been excited about this convention for years and that it has been a big part of the club’s year. Anime club has had large fundraisers for this convention every year with the main purpose being to raise money for bus transportation.
The most profitable fundraiser was coffee sales. The money from the fundraiser went toward the school. For two years, the anime club had saved enough money from these sales to add two sets of brand new water fountains around the school.
“The goal is to purchase another set of water fountains and be able to put some in not only West, but East Campus as well,” Stevenson said.
The club will continue to fundraise and push toward their goals this year and for many years to come. With 2019 coming in a flash, the club does not have time on their side.
While it may seem like a daunting task for some, Stevenson has managed to raise large amounts of money already for the school and club under her leadership.
Even as the club consists of around 50 students, not one doesn’t enjoy giving back and having a little fun while doing it. The love of anime has brought these kids and teachers together.
“For the kids, the cosplay convention is what they are most excited for. But we love to give back to our school and community as well,” Stevenson said.