Are records coming back?
January 28, 2019
Personally, I think vinyl records are coming back. After making an unexpected disappearance in the early 2000s, vinyl records are officially becoming a trend once again.
Before Christmas, I simply asked my parents for a record player for Christmas and I was disappointed about what my mom told me; “No, record players are out of style and are just a fad that’ll go away pretty quickly.”
Right after she told me this, I took my record player off of my wish list. When Christmas came around, I figured I wasn’t going to end up with a record player. But when I opened my gift, I was completely surprised that I received one.
Immediately after I opened my record player and set it up, it was time to open the record.
I didn’t research on how to handle records before I got my turntable because I was told no, so I figured I didn’t need to waste my time on something irrelevant. Since I didn’t research, I touched the grooves of the vinyl record immediately thinking it’d be fine. But I was lectured for touching them on the grooves. Then I decided to research about records itself and how to start a vinyl collection.
While researching, I noticed there are so many things recently about record players and vinyl that it blew my mind on how popular they were blowing up on the internet.
I noticed I wasn’t the only one who wanted a record player. I started noticing my friends and other classmates either got jealous or received a record player for Christmas too.
It’s almost impossible to find any music album that isn’t on vinyl these days. Anything from Elvis Presley’s old and classic albums to something new like Panic! At the Disco’s “Pray for the Wicked.”
I interviewed Sound of Sisters, a vinyl record shop down in Aggieville that includes CDs, vinyl records and cassette tapes. I asked her the same question, ‘Are records coming back?’
“I would say they have come back,” Sarah Cunnick, owner of Sound of Sisters said. “I think it will stick around, as long as they try not to jack up the prices.”
I can agree with Cunnick, prices for vinyl have skyrocketed from an average price of $20 to about $30 for a new EP.
For anybody wanting to start a record collection, I got some amazing advice from Cunnick.
“Figure out what your limitations are, I would write down your top ten albums that you want to get,” Cunnick said. “Also kind of decide of what your average price you’d want to pay per record.”
I recommend joining in on the bandwagon and starting your own vinyl record collection, any age is capable of doing so since in my opinion, vinyl records sound better than the actual audio. I’ve seen quite a bit of people with record players and vinyl records themselves and I’m glad they’re finally come back.