Drama Department prepares for winter play

Kaitlin Clark, Print Editor-in-Chief

Thespian Troupe 941 always strives to perform bold and interesting shows, but this year’s winter play is among the most unique they have ever planned to perform. Titled “Mr. Burns, a Post-Electric Play,” the show follows a group of apocalypse survivors who decide to form a travelling theatre troupe and retell an episode of the popular animated comedy, “The Simpsons.” According to drama teacher and director Ginny Pape, the performance will not only be something new for audiences, but for performers as well.

I wanted to do something that was fairly new, and I was interested in doing some literature that would stretch the students a bit,” Pape said. “It’s not your average simple play.”

While it may be based off of a comedy show, the play itself tackles some serious topics and, according to cast members, is very dark.

“…It’s completely different from anything I’ve ever done. It’s like a really dark comedy,” senior Mckayla Alberto said. “A lot of the other shows that are more satirical aren’t usually as dark as this one.”

Something that makes the show even more unique is its incorporation of song and dance. Typically, a play features just acting, but the conclusion of “Mr. Burns, a Post-Electric Play” is performed very dramatically and features both singing and dancing. Music is currently being worked on, providing a break from usual acting rehearsals.

Another unique addition comes in the form of multiple cast members playing more than one character, a feature that the actors see as a way to stretch their own abilities even further.

“I get to just act in more than one way,” senior Kate Washburn said.

Due to the tone and themes of the play, cast members caution that it can be hard to understand for some people.

“It’s a little bit more complicated than other plays I’ve been in, so it takes kind of a more mature audience to understand fully what’s happening,” Washburn said.

Despite it being described several times as dark, “Mr Burns, a Post-Electric Play” still has room for comedy and fun.

“It’s kind of a weird play, and so I know that not everyone will get everything that’s going on, but I think if people give it a chance, they’ll think it’s really fun,” Pape said.

Although there are still two weeks of practices left before their Feb. 14, 15 and 16 show dates, cast members are proud of the progress they have made and the show they will soon be performing.

“I’m really proud of it so far because I can tell that it’s going to be good,” Alberto said. “It might be really weird to some people, but I’m really proud and like what we’ve done.”