Key Club gives back with compassion
February 4, 2019
With Valentine’s Day in just a couple of weeks, Key Club jumped on the opportunity to give back to the community in a fun way.
Last Wednesday, 30 Key Club members met at East Campus to make valentines for Meals on Wheels recipients. The valentines will either be handed out at the program’s upcoming banquet or packaged with the meals.
“Our students aren’t necessarily at the point where they can drive and deliver Meals on Wheels, but they can provide a little happiness for those who wouldn’t otherwise receive it,” Lisa Julian, Key Club sponsor, said.
Members were provided with various shades of pink cardstock, decorative tapes, stickers and stamps to utilize. They were encouraged to write their own messages and to be creative with the construction of each valentine.
“I think everyone in our club enjoyed making them [and] writing messages that they know people are going to enjoy reading,” junior Elizabeth Hohn, Key Club president, said.
To ensure that each Meals on Wheels recipient received a valentine, each Key Club member was assigned five valentines. After an hour of hard work, they made a grand total of 120 to 130 valentines.
This experience helped Key Club members to put themselves in the shoes of those in our community who would greatly appreciate and benefit from services such as Key Club’s act of kindness this week.
“It’s important for Key Club [to give back to the community] because it helps us to reflect on those who are less advantaged, people without their support systems within their families to help them when they’re in need,” Julian said.
All in all, Key Club members look forward to helping out in the future.
“For anyone doubting whether they should join Key Club or not, just give it a shot, because in the end, whether you enjoyed the experience or not, our community will be definitely grateful for your work,” freshman Camila Gomez, Key Club member, said. “Also, the Key Club officers would like me to say that having more boys in Key Club would be good too.”