Artist of the Week
Senior Ashley Savage works on her painting. Savage won the high school divison award for the Martin Luther King Jr contest, this year’s theme was “we may have all come on different ships, but we are on the same boat now”. Savage has also previously won first place in Early Expressions for 2-D art.
February 4, 2019
Ashley Savage
How did you get into art?
“I started doing art probably when I was five years old. It kind of runs in the family. My great grandma and grandma are both artists part-time and it [is] something that I have just really loved as I have gone through it. Being able to create something really calms me down when I’m stressed with other classes.”
Is there someone or something that inspires you?
“I think Mrs. [Sonda] Copeland is a really good source of inspiration. Also when I go to different art museums and look at different artists like Vincent van Gogh, Monet and Picasso. It just inspires me so much to think that that could be me someday.”
What is your favorite type of art to do?
“I really enjoy painting landscapes because nature brings me peace. I mainly use acrylics.”
When did you start taking art classes?
“I started in seventh grade; that was when I took a actual art class. I have done it every year from then on up until senior year. This is actually my second time taking AP Studio Art.”
Do you see this as a career option?
“I don’t actually want to do it as a career but I definitely want to further my abilities in art. I want to minor in art and actually major in pre-nursing or pre-med.
How do you personally express yourself in art?
“I think I express myself through color. Color is one of my favorite things in art just because you can look at a painting done by somebody and the color is what stands out to me.”