Anti-LGBTQ legislation offensive, cruel
February 16, 2019
In the year 2019, it would be easy to think that the United States has reached a new level of equality and civil rights. Clearly, that’s not true.
Within the state of Kansas alone, our legislators are stepping backwards rather than attempting progress.
Seven Kansas Republican lawmakers, led by Rep. Randy Garber, have introduced two new bills regarding marriage within the LGBTQ community, stating same-sex marriages are “parody marriages” that should not be recognized under state law.
The bills, respectively called the Marriage and Constitution Restoration Act and the Optional Elevated Marriage Act go on to say that gay marriage is “a denominational sect that is inseparably linked to the religion of secular humanism.” They also say the government’s acceptance of such marriages violates the establishment clause of the First Amendment, which states that the U.S. government cannot establish a religion for the country.
The proposed bill was modeled after previous bills written by Chris Sevier, a well-known anti-LGBTQ activist and lawyer according to NBC News. Sevier took credit for the bills in a public Facebook post as well as four others within Kansas. However, what Sevier neglects to share on this public Facebook page is his strong desire to wed his laptop.
In 2014 and 2016, Sevier made national headlines for filing lawsuits in Florida, Texas and Utah, claiming that if two men had the right to marry then he to should be able to marry his MacBook. His attempted method at showing the “wrongness” of gay marriage failed, as all three states threw out the cases.
Sevier’s experience with the legal system doesn’t stop there. According to his public record, he’s been accused of stalking country artist John Rich and a 17-year-old girl he met in an ice cream store. His ex-wife also filed a restraining order after he attempted to abduct his 7-month-old son in 2011. Because of his entanglement with the law, he is no longer allowed to practice in Tennessee, the state where he lives, and has failed twice at getting his license reinstated. It’s currently unknown if he is allowed to practice anywhere in the United States. Yet, Kansas is still expected to trust his legislation.
While the bill is clearly offensive, Kansans shouldn’t worry just yet. The possibility of such a bill being passed is slim. Because of Governor Laura Kelly’s non-descrimination policies of LGBTQ state workers, it’s unlikely that she will allow them to. Secondly, Rep. Brandon Woodard, one of the first two openly LGBTQ members to serve on Kansas legislature, is co-sponsoring a bill that would ban discrimination based on sexual orientation in the workplace. He already has 38 co-sponsors for his legislation and in a previous statement to “The Wichita Eagle,” he’s certain that Garber will not get the 63 votes he needs in order for the bill to pass the House.
Garber later said in an interview with them, “I don’t believe myself to be a bigot. I’m Christian and I love people. I believe you should love everybody, but I believe you should also take a stand on what you believe, lovingly.”
Well Mr. Garber, I too am a Christian and I love people, which is why I choose to take a stand against a bill that is intolerant and cruel to those who should have the same constitutional rights as everyone else.
I do this lovingly, of course.