Bowling places in the top three for last few tournaments
Junior Grant Terill readies to bowl the ball during the Manhattan High School bowling meet on Feb. 5.
February 5, 2019
Bowling is rolling through quickly and is continuing to progress through the season, placing in the top three in most of their tournaments. The numerous amount of practice has been evident in their performance from their recent meets.
In the most recent quad at Little Apple Lanes, Varsity Boys placed first, Varsity girls placed second, Junior Varsity placed third and Junior Varsity girls did not place.
“I think it went really well,” junior Grant Terrill said. “I was really consistent. I think we bowled really well today.”
The team participated in three meets during the last week: a triangular in Junction City on Jan. 31 and a quad at Manhattan tonight.
The teams competing in the triangular were Manhattan, second; Hayden, third; and Junction City, first. The quad included the following teams: Manhattan, Sacred Heart, Seaman, and Junction City.
Over the past week, seniors Alex Newell and Michael Moran along with juniors Brandon Bragg and Grant Terrill were the top bowlers, consistently having an average of 618 for all of the top bowlers combined.
“We had a lot of strikes today,” Terrill said. “We bowled well together and we were having fun.”
One thing that the team keeps focusing on is overcoming their amount of splits during a three-game series. The amount of splits has affected the scores, causing the bowlers to have a lower three-game series amount.
“What didn’t go well probably is leaving too many splits,” Terrill said. “I know I left a good amount and then I know Michael Moran left a good amount. There was just a lot of them today.”
In the end, bowling is halfway done with their season and still has another left to go. With more practice and preparation for State, bowling should continue placing high.