Athlete of the Week

Senior Alexandria Newell bowls in the last frame of her last game for her senior year. Newell finished 17th at State making her place in the top 20 individuals out of 72. Her final series was a 517.

Photo Courtesy of Megan Whitson.

Senior Alexandria Newell bowls in the last frame of her last game for her senior year. Newell finished 17th at State making her place in the top 20 individuals out of 72. Her final series was a 517.

Sophia Comas, Sports Editor

Alexandria Newell





  • Finished 17th in state out of the top 20 with a total of 72 bowlers
  • Bowled a series of 696 in their quad on Feb. 5
  • Bowled at Manhattan’s first meet of the season, leading to their second place series of 2374



How did you first become interested in bowling?

Well, I have two older sisters who bowled and as I watched them bowl in high school I thought what it would be like to try it and I fell in love with bowling.


How would you describe your season so far?

I could say [this] was the best season I have had over my four years of being here.


Do you plan to continue bowling after high school?

Yes, I will be attending Cowley Community College


What advice would give to the underclassmen on the bowling team?

I would say to always keep an open mind. Even if you have a bad day you can always work yourself into an easy game and it’s easy.