Senior graduation speaker selection process different

Julianna Poe, Copy Editor

With graduation just seven weeks away, Manhattan High is in the process of selecting this year’s senior graduation speakers.

Compared to previous years, the selection procedure is new.

“I got feedback from students, faculty, teachers [and] administration last year with regards to how things had been in the past,” Janelle Boden, activities director and junior class administrator, said. “[They had] some suggestions on maybe what we could do … to make it a better process.”

In order to be a speaker, one must have good academic and disciplinary standing, public speaking skills and must embody the graduating class and represent MHS well. Volunteers are required to have a letter of interest detailing why they should be chosen as well as a draft of their proposed speech and a resume outlining their accomplishments at MHS through academics and co-curricular activities. Their speech must be no longer than 10 minutes.

Applications were due March 8 and next week the Commencement Committee will be interviewing and narrowing down the candidates to a maximum of five senior students. The committee will take into consideration each participant’s delivery of their speech, the appropriateness of their topic as well as the quality and clarity of its message, their suitability and how well their speech represents the value of the MHS experience.

Then, according to Boden, on April 10 each finalist will present a two minute summary of their speech to the senior class. The two finalists with the most votes will be this year’s senior graduation speakers.

“This is the final revision that we came up with and this is what we’re going to try this year and so far it seems to be working pretty well,” Boden said.