Athlete of the Week
April 15, 2019
Declan Weixelman
Varsity Track
- Placed first in the 800 meter run on April 12
How does winning feel?
We weren’t very stressed as a team because we knew that we were going to sweep them because we have been doing really good and we have just set our sights on state that’s what really important.
As the postseason gets closer, are you guys shifting your focus to state alone?
We mainly focus on state, like that’s our main goal all year.
How have felt about your overall performance this season?
I’ve felt pretty good this season, cross country really helped prepare me in the fall.
Have you seen improvement?
The first couple meets were rough because times were rough and I felt kind of sluggish but this meet I had extra energy.
What are your individual goals this year?
This year I.m shooting for first at state in the 800, that’s what all the guys, myself included, have worked for.
How has the competition between you and your teammates affected your individual performance?
We are always working hard in practice. We always push each other. We know how fast each of us are, and some meets go better than others, but we definitely push each other, and for which ever one of us wins, good job to them. The end result for it all is that each of us gets better.