Forensics competes in The National Invitational Tournament of Champions
May 13, 2019
The Manhattan High forensics team has finished their academic calendar competitions, finalizing the school-year season with state competition May 4 and the National Invitational Tournament of Champions this past weekend. While the team didn’t fare as they had hoped, the students are preparing for the new season based on new knowledge of diverse strategy from their latest adventures.
“There were schools from all over the country there so I got to see some really good performances and… great competition we don’t get to see during the regular season,” Kayla Lei, sophomore said.
Lei — part of the three-person team that attended NITOC in Omaha — competed in Original Oratory. She also competed in Original at state, advancing to the semi-finals, barely missing a spot among the top six finalists.
She was joined in Omaha by forensics-pair juniors Ivy Auletti and Peyton Woods. However, her state success was joined by freshman Ryan Ward who made it to the final state round in Humorous Acting, finishing in 6th place.
For now, the team will focus on their National Tournament in Dallas June 16 – 21, preparing a team consisting of juniors Tanya Singh, Will Bannister and Trinity Brockman, as well as freshmen Sam Delong and Ryan Ward.