Thespians plan Disney World trip with choirs
May 13, 2019
Yesterday, students from the choir and drama departments met in the evening to discuss next year’s Disney World trip, which would bring both groups together for the first time. The trip is planned to take place over spring break in March 2020.
The trip came together due in part to the teamwork of drama teacher Ginny Pape and her husband, choir director Chad Pape. While the choir, band and orchestra programs each get to travel once every three years, the thespians do not have a similar program. Traveling with the choirs will mean that they have the opportunity to meet with individuals that are professionals and gain experience in the theatrical field.
“Disney has a really great performing arts program and for drama students specifically, they have workshops where students are able to work with professional directors and performers from Disney,” Ginny said.
This ability to work with professionals is part of what Ginny thought would be enriching for students in the department. For senior Marlena Hummel, this reminded her of past opportunities she has had working with people in the acting profession.
“I’ve been to International Thespian Festival two times and to be able to work with someone in the business is huge,” Hummel said. “It’s something you don’t get to do everyday, it’s something that inspired me to continue my acting career.”
Other upperclassmen also stressed the importance of a trip such as the one drama students would be going on with the choir department. They also discussed how it provides the chance to have fun over spring break while still learning something new.
“I think [underclassmen] should go for it,” Jayden Gittle said. “It’s a really cool opportunity. As someone who did the band trip and also when I was younger did the band and the choir trip, it’s alway super fun because you get to watch each other perform and it’s just an awesome opportunity.”
The upcoming trip will hopefully provide an educational opportunity for those involved in the performing arts while bringing the drama and choir departments closer together through their passion for performance. This opportunity will allow students to be a part of something larger than themselves.
“[They’re] representing MHS,” Hummel said, “not just the performing arts.”