Student actors prepare fall play
September 16, 2019
Preparing a play about a girl playing a Dungeons and Dragons game designed by her deceased sister can be difficult for any ensemble, but the Manhattan High School drama department is taking it in stride.
The Drama Department is producing “She Kills Monsters” by Qui Nguyen, a story about a girl who stumbles onto her sisters’ Dungeons and Dragons notebook.
“We have a really small cast and they all get along really well and we’ve been able to work through the show very quickly,” Ginny Pape, drama instructor, said. “We should be finished blocking the show in the next week or so nd then after that, we’re going to spend a couple weeks with a fight choreographer from K-State.”
With lead actors Ivy Auletti, Rose Carter, Nathan Paukstelis and Nathan Pickands— all seniors — the play will have very personal touches from the cast.
“I think they’re really enjoying it. I think that it is stretching them,” Pape said. “I mean, the role of Tilly is a lesbian and Rose working with that, and trying to feel how that would feel, it’s all so very touching. I think that they’ve become deeply connected to their roles and feel really positively about the show as a whole.”
Some actors even found personal connections to the play and their characters as a whole.
“In all reality, I have a ton of family members I never really got to know,” Auletti said. “Especially my grandmother, so I think looking into her and finding out about her life [will help me connect.]”
This play will test the actors and their portrayal of certain themes present in the show, from bullying and sexuality issues.
“This play is about kind of the people on the outside looking in, who read a lot of comic books and draw anime and play Dungeons and Dragons,” Pape said. “It’s an interesting play about kids that are not always as celebrated in high school culture.”
Stretching the actors’ capability to represent different themes not usually expressed in a highschool play will add up to a great production.
“I just I think it’ll be a really good show. I think that this show will have a lot more stage combat than anything that we’ve seen at Manhattan High recently,” Pape said. “So if people are interested in that, It will be a really fun show for them to watch.”