Student-led conferences don’t work
September 23, 2019
The student-led conferences are not effective. The topics discussed in the conference do not come up outside the room and what is spoken in the conference stays in the conference. They are not worth the time given in preparation for them.
The reason we have student-led conferences is so that students, parents and teachers can discuss the current status of their student’s academic progress and talk about future goals. I understand the concept and why it is theoretically a good idea but it simply is inconvenient and doesn’t work.
All we do as students in said conference is talk about our grades and how we are going to fix them or do better. It’s awkward for everybody in the room. Students talking about their grades doesn’t solve any problems for anybody. If the student actually cares about school, he or she would already know what their grades are and they would take the initiative to fix or better them. If the parent cares about their child’s grades, they would discuss with them personally what to do about their grades or what they are going to do after high school, instead of in front of an advisor that the parents don’t even know.
Students whose parents take the time and to come to conferences already talk to their children about academics, meaning this type of conference wastes time. A more effective experience would be to just let the parents and students talk with one another at home alone, instead of having only 10 minutes at school.
Sometimes people don’t even show up to it. The last time I did it nothing really came of it; we talked about what we needed to talk about, then left, and nothing else after that happened. There aren’t any conversations being had about anything else. I don’t think that they take into account our outside-of-school schedules. It’s also a lot more work for everyone involved with no real outcome.
A more effective use of time might be to just let parents and students work things out in private, then have a day where the advisor and student take a minute or two and talk about his or her grades and plan for the future individually.
If we switch back to traditional conferences, the teacher and parent would have more one- one-time to talk with each individual teacher, rather than the 10 minutes they have with the students advisor, which may or may not be one of their actual teachers.
We should not have the student-led conferences because it is a waste of time and energy and it has no real effect on the success of our students.
Brian • Dec 29, 2020 at 6:50 pm
Spot on. They are a waste of time, other than to actually improve the parent rather than the student. The parents are engaged in conversation with their child about what they are doing in school, for one very rare moment in their life. They do have to at least put on a show like they are caring parents by showing up. The real caring parents would already be having these conversations at home. The other parents will sing its praises because it’s the first time they’ve taken a scrap of genuine interest in their child’s learning. The teacher would put in phenomenal amounts of preparation so students do not fail in the process, because that would look bad for the school. I can’t imagine how many teachers would be pulling their hair out making sure students had something to show their parents.