Manhattan Emergency Services protect citizens
September 23, 2019
From the very common flooding to the occasional tornado, the citizens of Manhattan have become very accustomed to crisis situations. Usually with little warning, citizens are left unprepared and scrambling to ready themselves.
That is where the Manhattan Emergency Services — which includes EMS, Fire Department and the Police Force — come in. Their job is to respond to a number of situations, from natural disasters to medical emergencies and they put their lives on the line everyday even in a safe town like Manhattan.
One big part of Manhattan Emergency Services is the Emergency Medical Services. This includes EMTs, Advanced EMTs and paramedics, who respond to many different emergencies like traumatic injuries, seizures, heart attacks and much more. They provide public education on things such as CPR and car seat installation.
“We do a lot to help others,” EMS director David Adams said.
During crisis situations, such as flooding, EMS works to identify the most vulnerable or at risk people, find a reliable shelter and help to relocate them. In these situations, it’s Adams’s job to find evacuation sites for citizens and their pets.
In other situations, like tornados, EMS helps to treat the injured and protect the people, but they also put a lot of focus into helping others in the MES.
“We protect the people that are helping others. We make sure everyone is properly cared for and not overexerting themselves,” Adams said.
There are a few things citizens can do to protect themselves in crisis situations.
“[Citizens] need to be aware of what is going on around them. Are they prepared? Do they know where they are going to go? Do they have what they need?” Adams said. “ Be ready to act fast. People wait too long… Act quickly.”
A great place to visit for general knowledge and preparation information is the American Red Cross website.
“Just be aware of what’s going on and be prepared,” Adams said.