Due to a shortage of runners, the girls cross country C-Team ran in the Junior Varsity race on Sept. 7 at the Manhattan Cross Country Invitational at Warner Park.
“The kids ran fierce,” head coach Susan Melgares said, “and they won a lot of battles.”
After the girls races, the team stayed to cheer on their teammates. When MHS runners came by, the team created a “tunnel” by getting on either side of the course, slapping the ground, and yelling.
“One hundred percent,” senior Macy Hendricks said. “Everyone is constantly saying good job, even at practices.”
Motivation is a big deal when it comes to an activity as physically challenging as cross country. According to Melgares, the runners are motivated by many different things.
“Probably a little bit of the challenge and a little bit of the team,” Melgares said. “I mean, those kids are going to go home today and they’re like, ‘man, I really accomplished a lot.’”
Of course, every runner has a different source for the energy they need to run their race.
“Usually, if people are cheering me on that helps,” freshman Audrey Cook said. “Or, if I’m running with another person I’m like, ‘just stay with this person.’”
When things get tough, the team is there for each other.
“I think that the sport is really tough,” senior Macy Hendricks said, “and it’s probably one of the biggest love/hate relationships you’ll have because it’s painful, but it’s so worth it because of the experience.”