Model UN takes win for Club Volleyball
October 28, 2019
After nine teams of Manhattan High club members battled on the volleyball court Wednesday, Model UN and Math Club were left standing in the semi finals of the first Club Volleyball tournament hosted by Student Council. Model UN ended up coming away with the win.
Club Volleyball is all about having different clubs play against each other. They clubs that were there were Key Club, Student Publications, AFS, Hispanic Student Union, Model UN, Math Club, National Honors Society, Band and Thespians. Debate was also supposed to participate but didn’t make it to the event.
“I am very happy with the results of today,” Club Volleyball chair Elizabeth Kim, senior, said. “Model UN and Math Club or two or two of some of the teams that actually trained outside of school.”
Both teams put forth a lot of effort.
“Well, definitely. It was a team effort. I couldn’t have done it without my friends today, you know, we would always practice out we, and that’s that’s important to practice that we put out outside of school,” Model UN chair Bethuel Salazar, senior, said. “So it’s definitely showing this game that we have today.”
Club Volleyball replaced Club Dodgeball as a school activity and was moved out of Homecoming week.
“We noticed a pattern definitely with the loss of traction and club volleyball is that people get bored of one event, especially when it’s sports,” Kim said. “We did Club Dodgeball for quite a few years, but before that it was actually originally Club Volleyball to start out with, and to switch it up we just changed it back. Next semester we will be doing Club Basketball, which is a very different dynamic and will very likely ensure a completely different results.”
The goal of the event is really to find a way to get more clubs and more students involved in activities, Kim said.
“Club Volleyball is just, it doesn’t necessarily have to be just the clubs coming in watching and actually playing. We want to actually get parents in here, or other students cheering on their friends and classmates,” Kim said. “I want StuCo to set an example to allow clubs to become a forefront of Manhattan High School.”