New Year’s resolutions in abundance at MHS
December 19, 2019
The new year is almost upon us, and this year starts a new decade. Every New Year people are filled with the drive to do better.
New Year’s resolutions are nothing new. They have been a tradition for about 4,000 years.The ancient Babylonians are credited with starting New Year’s resolutions.
The New Year usually begins with making a resolution to change, in some way, for bettering yourself. Although we make these resolutions every year, very few Americans keep their resolutions. This leaves people in the endless cycle of “I will do it next year,” then the year after that and it keeps moving down the road.
A new decade can really inspire people to begin anew with fresh ideas and challenges. Still others prefer to stick with the successful resolutions and plans of the past. Staff and students at MHS have dedicated time to setting their new 2020 resolutions.
Some students at MHS like how last year went and wish to have a repeat in 2020.
“My New Year’s resolution is to continue what I have been doing,” sophomore Ben Mosier said. “Things have been going well for me this year and I hope next year will bring much of the same success. I plan to make the new year like last year by continuing to work hard at school and my running.”
Another resolution students at MHS have is to stop spending so much money.
“I want to stop spending so much money on coffee and food because I am broke for that reason,” junior Aben Ryan said.
Some students at MHS want to make a resolution about sports performance.
“To run a lot over the winter, and through the spring and summer. To try and win state for cross country,” junior Sean Anderson said. “My goal would be to [run] like three or four [miles] a day, and then try and get 500 [miles] over the summer.
Many students are ambitious with their New Year’s resolutions, but some have resolutions that reach outside of bettering themselves and instead focus on civic interest.
“I want to help the City Commision raise the legal limit of cat ownership to at least nine per household,” senior Maggie Fontanini said. “There is no legal limit on how many kids you can have, so why should there be a legal limit on how many cats you can have?”
Outside of time for setting final grades, MHS staff can find it hard to balance work, family and set a New Year’s resolution before Jan. 1.
“I guess my New Year’s resolution would be to get better with time management and get healthier,” science teacher Craig Ackerman said. “Time management mainly so I can spend more time with family and friends, while staying on top of my work stuff. To get healthier is pretty straightforward, I need to work out more and eat better. Pretty cliche resolution, but I am going to try.”