Jecca Park
Sophomore, Musical and Individual Art
Made district central Honor Band
When did you first get started in art?
“Well I started when I was like a toddler, just, you know, as a kid, and I never really started getting serious about it until maybe fifth grade.”
What type of medium do you enjoy?
“I personally think I’m best at watercolor, but I’m really open to any type of medium.”
What inspires your art?
“Really just my life experiences, I guess, and honestly going through social media and seeing cool images that I want to draw.”
How are you sharing your art with the community?
“Well, the sticker idea is my main thing that I’m working on. I’m trying to find like a nonprofit organization that I want to donate to. So, like a certain amount of the profits will go to that organization, but yeah more information will probably be posted soon.”
What got you into playing clarinet?
“It was actually, I have a role model; her name is Izumi Asano [2017 MHS graduate]. She played clarinet and I thought it was super cool. So, I wanted to try and play it so that’s really where it got started.”
What are your accomplishments in band and art?
“I made District Central Honor Band last year and this year. And I’m going to try out for state [Kansas Music Educators Association] this year. I haven’t really accomplished much with art, like I haven’t entered any contests or anything.”