Debates sees cancellation
January 15, 2020
The Manhattan High School Debate team had a tournament scheduled this past Friday and Saturday at Blue Valley. The students were supposed to leave Manhattan High during fourth period, before first lunch began. Unfortunately, earlier Friday morning, all practices, games and events were canceled due to the bad weather approaching Manhattan, including the debate tournament. This tournament was not just another debate tournament, it was their last one of the year- what they all know as State. Many MHS students qualified and worked hard for this meet, and were disappointed when the ice storm came into Manhattan.
Mac Phrommany, the debate coach for freshmen through seniors, was disappointed that State got canceled but was excited to look forward to its rescheduled date, which unfortunately isn’t going to happen.
“Sadly, there will be no reschedule for this tournament, but we are definitely looking forward to our next one,” Phrommany said. “The students are ready for their next one as it approaches quickly.” The next meet will be the transition into Forensics, which are all the students who qualified for State that were in debate, and some new-commers, as well as familiar faces from past years.
Phrommany said his students have been working hard all through all through the semester, both in tournaments and in class. He also says that he “hope[s] [his] kids do well” and have some fun while doing so.
“One of my students that is most excited for her last couple tournaments is senior Trinity Brockman,” Phrommany said. “She’s taking it one step at a time… focusing on the big moments, and not thinking, just going out there and debating.”
The MHS debate team’s next tournament will be at the NIETOC Saint Thomas Aquinas on Feb. 1.