America’s Got Special Talent prepares for upcoming performance

Lassira Hines, Staff Writer

The Interpersonal Skills students have begun planning and rehearsals for this year’s version of America’s Got Special Talent. 

Each year IPS holds the talent show for those who aren’t always given an opportunity to showcase their abilities. They work with Big Lakes and students from both come together and perform different acts. 

“It is a talent show that celebrates a variety of different people,” Eric Eklund, the IPS teacher, said. “Kind of just an opportunity for people who may not typically have an opportunity to get on stage and perform.”

The show isn’t meant to be perfect but rather is all about having fun and involving the community. The people who perform aren’t expected to be perfect. It is also a fundraiser, but they want to shine light on the idea that this event is meant to be fun and a good experience.

“The beauty of the show is that it’s not perfect. It’s just a lot of fun, and you see young people on the stage that love to perform but don’t have a lot of opportunity to do so,” Eklund said.

Everyone who participates in the show will help organize and work on the show. Some perform, others do lights and sounds.

“Everybody is responsible for some aspect of the show and since it’s such a big thing and a thing that we do every year that the students are all responsible for being involved,” Eklund said. “Whether it’s doing an act or helping backstage or helping with lighting or seating or sound or whatever it might be.”

The show will be held at 7 p.m on Feb. 27 in Rezac Auditorium.