Scientist should be recogonized for achievement not apparel
November 24, 2014
Matt Taylor, Project Scientist on the Rosetta Mission, was recently recognized for his work and achievement on the mission that was able to land a Philae probe on one of the oldest comets in our solar system after it had been traveling through space for over 10 years.
This is a huge achievement and milestone for science and could solve many questions about how earth became suitable to support life. However more seem to be concerned with the T-shirt Taylor was wearing during a web broadcast.
Taylor stood in front of cameras and reporters ready to speak about the landing dressed in shorts and a shirt covered in scantily clad, animated women. The shirt was a gift from a female friend of his but many feminists have been claiming the shirt is offensive and demeaning. Because of the backlash, The Mentor editorial board discussed whether the anger was justified or not.
While it’s easy to see that the shirt can be unprofessional and entirely inappropriate for work, it’s not a big enough deal to overshadow his accomplishment. Instead of being known as the man who dedicated so much time and energy to this project he’s known as the man who wore the “sexist” shirt on TV.
As a society there is far too much focus on how a person dresses themselves or how they act and not enough emphasis is put on what they’re doing. Taylor went from a web broadcast with a smiling face and eagerness to discuss the Rosetta Mission to a publicly apologizing while crying for wearing the wrong shirt at the wrong time after becoming a target of modern feminists.
Somehow, the apology and humiliation still aren’t enough. There are current #Shirtstorm hastags flooding Twitter and various other social media networks. It’s been taken even further by statements made claiming that his T-shirt discourages young girls from becoming scientists. Not only is this extremely dramatic, it’s also borderline attention seeking. The irony of the situation is that while he’s being criticized and labeled as sexist, if this was a women wearing a shirt of a shirtless man there would certainly be no backlash form the feminists. In the struggle for equality the gap for gender inequality has grown even larger and Taylor is nothing short of a victim of this process.