BSU changes trunk-or-treat
November 3, 2020
Plans changed for the Manhattan High Black Student Union on Tuesday when they planned to hold a trunk-or-treat event.
“Originally it was supposed to be in the Manhattan Town Center parking lot,” Chalice Carter, BSU president, said.
The trunk-or-treat event was a new idea for this year but due to COVID-19 and the CDC guidelines relating to the pandemic, the event had to be canceled. BSU continued with a similar idea of giving out candy but in a way that followed guidelines.
“Instead we made goodie bags with the candy we were planning to use for the trunk-or-treat,” Carter said.
BSU gave the goodie bags to the Boys and Girls club on Tuesday, the date originally meant for the trunk-or-treat. The group got the idea of the goodie bags with the help of the Black Student Union at Kansas State University. THe two chapters had already planned to come together for the event.
“We figured if all else failed, which it did end up failing, that we would still come together and do the goodie bags,” Carter said.
The two groups met the Friday before to make goodie bags which they delivered Tuesday.
“It was a fun experience getting to work with K-state and that we plan to work more with them in the future,” Carter said.