Debate attends Halloween tournament
November 3, 2020
The Manhattan High Debate team competed in the Iowa Caucus and Olathe East tournaments last weekend.
The Iowa Caucus tournament was held at a national level with 12 states represented.
Junior Sam DeLong and sophomore Annabelle Jung competed in the Iowa Caucus tournament went 4-2. The pair ended up losing their octo-final round on a split decision. DeLong was recognized as the ninth best competitor of the 90 that competed in the tournament.
“It felt good to kind of have a success mid-season,” DeLong said.
The Olathe East tournament was Halloween themed, being called “Spooky Speakers Debate Invitational.” The participants in the debate were allowed to wear costumes for the tournament. Freshmen Allina Dougherty and Jordyn West placed fourth overall in the Junior Varsity division at the Olathe East tournament, going 2-2. The tournament was the last Dougherty is able to attend due to schedule conflicts.
“I think it was a really fun last one to go to because [some people] were dressed up in costumes and, you know, just for the Halloween spirit,” Dougherty said.
Sophomores Lasirra Hines and Bailey Nall placed third overall in the J.V. division at Olathe East, going 3-1. The second round caused some concern for the team, as they didn’t feel good about the round.
“[The second round] just felt really off to us,” Nall said. “But we really, like, got back up in the [third] and fourth round.”
Junior Abrar Nasser and freshman Anvesha Sharda went 2-2. Sharda had previously been competing with freshman Connor Buchanan, resulting in this tournament being Sharda’s first tournament without Buchanan.
“I think it worked out really well,” Sharda said, “The communication wasn’t as big of a deal as I thought it would be. It wasn’t as difficult as I thought it would be.”
Freshmen Sufian Khmous and Andrew Hutchinson went 1-3, The tournament was the pair’s second tournament. While the team only won one round, they are still proud of it.
“Any win when you’re this new at anything is a good win,” Hutchinson said.
Debate will meet next weekend at the KCKCC Invitational and the Blue Valley Classic Invitational.