Bowling team out for two weeks

Brianna Carmack, Print Editor-in-Chief

The Manhattan High girls bowling team and coaches have been stuck in quarantine for the past two weeks. According to the bowlers, someone from the girls team caught COVID-19, resulting in the entire team put on a pause for two weeks.

“The most information I know right now was that one of the girls got COVID-19 during our first tournament in Topeka, and we didn’t know who had it,” senior Jeremiah Belin said. “It was kind of a mystery, so we kind of were blindsided when we found out that [the girls team] had to go into quarantine.”

Headcoach Robert Reagan and assistant coach Tim Gromlovits were in close contact with the bowler who caught the virus, meaning that they also had to quarantine. Because of that, the boys team has experienced two weeks of no formal practices or meets. 

“Both of our coaches had to quarantine as well, so the boys aren’t really having practice because the coaches are out,” senior Megan Whitson said.

Because the team can’t meet altogether at the moment, a few bowlers from the boys team have met up to practice in preparation for upcoming meets.

“We’ve been kind of having like off-scheduled practices and having like three or four of us go practice, so we wouldn’t be as rusty,” Belin said. “Since we wouldn’t have any school practices until they got done out of quarantine, we just kind of had like small group sessions, kind of work as a group and try to get better with each other.”

The team will reconvene at a practice Tuesday after school and work towards overcoming rustiness before their first meet back on Wednesday with a quad at Little Apple Lanes on Jan. 27.