Forensics opens season
February 3, 2021
The Manhattan High Forensics team placed third overall at the Halsted Forensics Invitational Tournament.
Senior K.J. Jones competed in Original Oratory and Impromptu Speaking, placing first in Original Oratory and second in Impromptu Speaking, qualifying for State in both events.
“[The tournament] was definitely more interesting considering everything’s online,” Jones said.
Sophomore John Brock competed in Domestic Extemporaneous Speaking and Impromptu Speaking, placing fourth in Impromptu Speaking. Junior Ryan Ward competed in Humorous Interpretation and Impromptu Speaking, placing second in Humorous Interpretation and qualified for State.
Freshman Andrew Hutchinson placed fourth in Humorous Interpretation. Junior Tristan Metivier competed in Impromptu Speaking. Freshman Jordyn West placed third in Informative Speaking. Freshman Paige Shurtz competed in Informative Speaking. Junior Eszter Chikan competed in Original Oratory.
“We are navigating a very unusual forensics season,” head coach Mac Phrommany said. “And the community is still very much trying to figure out how we’re [going to] make this work.”
Forensics will meet next at the Wichita East Tournament.