Forensics has 7 National qualified students
May 5, 2021
The Manhattan High Forensics now seven students qualified for the National Speech and Debate Association’s National Tournament after the Individual Events National Qualifier on April 17.
Junior Sam DeLong placed first in Congressional Debate and second in Program of Oral Interpretation. DeLong will be competing at the National tournament in Program of Oral Interpretation.
Senior Nicole Savage placed third and will be competing in Humorous Interpretation at Nationals. She only had time to film her piece for this week’s asynchronous tournament during class time due to her number of extracurriculars, which at the moment also include the upcoming musical review.
Sophomore Jonah Dorsett placed fifth in Dramatic Interpretation and will be competing at the National tournament in that category.
“I wasn’t expecting to make it to finals,” Savage said.
To prepare for Nationals, Savage plans to practice enough to ensure the piece does well but not too much that she becomes burnt out.
“So that way I don’t get burnt out and get bored of it,” Savage said, “because nothing is more detrimental to a performer than the audience being able to tell you’re not enjoying and loving your piece.”
Sophomore Lasirra Hines and junior Megan Long will both be alternates in Original Oratory. Sophomore JB Brock will compete in Lincoln Douglas Debate at Nationals. Freshman Anvesha Sharda placed second in International Extemporaneous Speaking and fourth in Congressional Debate. Sharda will be competing in Congressional Debate at the National tournament.
Freshman Allina Dougherty will compete at the National tournament in World Schools Debate and is an alternate in Original Oratory. Freshman Jordyn West will be competing at the National tournament in World Schools Debate. Due to the event being held over the summer, West has some time between now and when she can begin preparing for her piece in World Schools Debate.
“I don’t have stuff to prep with, I think it said until June 1 is when we get our topics,” West said. “So I don’t really get to start prepping until then.”
Forensics will meet next this week at their State tournament.