‘To Gillian On Her 37th Birthday’ Cast Released
September 14, 2021
The cast list for the upcoming play “To Gillian On Her 37th Birthday” was released Sept. 3. The play has been double-cast, meaning there are two separate actors for one role who will be performing on different dates.
Senior Chase Glasscock will perform in the role of David on Oct. 21 and 23. David is the male lead who is trying to cope with the loss of his wife two years later. Senior Ronan Tanona is also cast as David, and will be performing on Oct. 22 and 24. The role itself is different from that of which Glasscock has portrayed before.
“This particular role, David, has a lot of internal struggle which means he’s not necessarily going to be a fun role,” Glasscock said, “but it’s going to be really interesting to look through the perspective of someone who’s dealing with such incredible struggles in his life.”
Junior Ari Hornbeck is David’s daughter, Rachel, and will be performing alongside Glasscock. Sophomore Gabrielle Herzog will also be playing Rachel alongside Tanona.
“[I am] very excited. In fact, my two friends Elizabeth [Bean] and Molly [Swistek] they were like, ‘Oh you got Rachel’ and I did not believe them at first, and then I saw the list and I just started sobbing,” Hornbeck said.
Sophomore Naomi Eberie and sophomore Evangeline Dye will be playing Cindy. Senior Ryan Ward is cast as Paul along with senior Victor Eberle.
Junior Olivia Payne and senior Rachael Kovar are cast as Kevin, a female character who is introduced to help David move on and cope with the loss of his wife.
“We have an even mix of all the grades in each of the casts, and I know a lot of people,” Kovar said. “All of the roles seem like they were cast really well, and everyone fits the roles they were casted in.”
Junior Elizabeth Bean plays Esther, the aunt of the story, along with junior Lesley Sullivan. This is the first play Bean has been in, along with this being a serious play compared to the more humorous plays and acts that are usually done.
“I love serious plays. That’s basically what I do. Instead of humor, I do a lot of dramatic acting,” Bean said. “It just works out really well and I’m super excited that we are doing something more dramatic instead of something humorous that you usually see here.”
Senior Anna Keenan and junior Molly Swistek are cast as Gillian.
“I do have a nephew that I help take care of, so I have a little bit of experience raising a kid,” Swistek said. “I’m kind of just getting into the mindset by reading the script and interpreting what she was like.”