Debate places third at Spring Hill
October 25, 2021
The Manhattan High Debate team placed third at the Spring Hill tournament, while also competing in the Topeka West tournament.
“It was really good in the sense that there were lots of… nice competitors…and the judges were also really nice,” freshman Brynn Chua said.
Sophomore Aylani Barron and junior Elizabeth Bahlmann went 1-4 in the Novice division at the Spring Hill tournament. Sophomores Anna Irvine and Owen Campbell went 1-4.
Chua and freshman Kiku Nagai-Velasquez went 2-3 at the Spring Hill tournament. Chua and her partner experienced some technical difficulties in their first round.
“[The tournament] was also…rushed because we were late to each of our…rounds because our first round was rough with… technology,” Chua said.
One of the technological issues that presented itself during the pair’s rounds was a deleted speech.
“During my third round, I believe, my speech [was] deleted before I was supposed to…go up and speak,” Chua said.
Although there were some problems during the tournament for Chua, there was a positive moment for her.
“I ran into one of the judges that was judging me previously and he was like an experienced debater and he just…talked to me about what I could work on and just like what I could do to make myself better for the next rounds,” Chua said.
Sophomores Sydney Vahl and Eli Ortiz placed third in the Novice division at the Topeka West tournament. Junior Olivia Shafer and sophomore Malinda Richardson 3-2. Junior Yeajee Son and sophomore Hannah Lee went 3-2. Freshman Hayden Platt and sophomore Berlynn Wilson went 2-3. Sophomores Aiden Campos and Yazan Mufti went 2-3. Seniors Paulo Tolentino and Alyssa Martinez went 2-3. Sophomores Sufian Khmous and Drew Hutchinson went 2-3 in the Open division at Topeka West.
Freshmen Kylie Kim and Patrick Fu placed fourth at the Spring Hill tournament in the Novice division. Junior Bailey Nall and senior Camila Gomez placed fifth in the Open division. Junior Eddie Brugger and freshman Kennedy Crabtree went 2-3 in the Novice division.
Senior Emmett Spaw and sophomore Jaxon Carey placed eighth in the Spring Hill tournament in the Novice division.
“I have to say debate tournaments are always more fun than you think they’re going to be,” senior Emmett Spaw said. “We managed to hit the same case five times in a row. That’s like seven-ish hours of talking about lead water and somehow it managed to be interesting.”
Junior Joseph Semmel and freshman William Graff went 2-3 at the Spring Hill tournament.
“It was challenging but enjoyable,” Semmel said.
Debate will meet next at Shawnee Mission South.