ASU gives microaggression presentation
October 26, 2021
After experiencing microaggressions and negative experiences, members of the Manhattan High, Asian Student Union met with the administration last week for a presentation about dealing with these issues. The meeting came from a survey in which group members were able to share any microaggressions or negative experiences that they had.
“We found a lot of additional stories that we hadn’t initially unpacked or seen before,” ASU sponsor Mac Phrommany said.
Student experiences that were shared through the survey showed that something needed to be done.
“I think that’s just fueled a fire that already existed and engendered more of a desire to like, push this issue, this conversation further,” Phrommany said.
This initial presentation was intended to be informative, and with it, ASU hopes to gain approval to host a larger presentation in the future. The end goal for this would be to create an event that would be part of a professional development day, where the students will have the opportunity to talk more directly to staff members and bring to light the issues that they are experiencing. ASU says that they don’t want it to stop with just them and that they hope other student unions can create presentations as well, for their community.
“Microaggressions are not just within the Asian community,” ASU Co-President Jecca Park, senior, said. “It can be towards any community and you should really educate yourself on what is hurtful and stop others from saying hurtful things.”
ASU members and administrators agreed the presentation was valuable.
“The executive members of the ASU student organization did a really good job communicating a concern,” Dorst said, “and sharing a solution that they’d already come up with to help put more of our community at Manhattan High in a reflection mode, and in a position to give everyone perspective on something that shouldn’t be happening at Manhattan High.”