BSU holds second trunk-or-treat
November 1, 2021
The Manhattan High Black Student Union hosted their second trunk-or-treat.
“We kind of did one last year but it didn’t go through as planned because of COVID,” said junior Nyah Evans-Pryor, BSU President.
Last year was its first trunk-or-treat, which didn’t go as expected and resulted in the BSU handing out gift bags. This year, the BSU had to move their trunk-or-treat inside due to inclement weather.
“Instead of having it outside, we had to move it inside, which … had us [on the ropes] for a little bit but we were able to bounce back from it and have it inside,” senior Ronald Hill, BSU Vice President, said.
The purpose of holding the trunk-or-treat was to get out in the community.
“To just see who we are and we were trying to just uplift the kids by…giving them candy and letting them know … what BSU is,” junior Emonie Christion said.
Several members of BSU were dressed in costumes, such as Evans-Pryor.