Debate hosts tournament
November 8, 2021
The Manhattan High debate team hosted its annual home tournament this weekend. Home tournaments usually mean that no teams from MHS compete, but this weekend was unusual in the fact that there were teams from MHS competing in the tournament.
“In order to give schools from other teams the opportunity to compete and have a big enough tournament to do that, we had some of our own students competing,” senior Megan Long said. “They could not place or win medals or anything, they were simply there to just give everyone an educational experience.”
During the tournament, Long worked on the ballots from the rounds. That means that Long would enter the ballots into a computer system. Students helped out during the tournament in other ways. Some, as previously mentioned, competed during the tournament because a few teams dropped out last minute.
“It’s always a valuable experience to be on the other end of a tournament because it makes you more sympathetic to like delayed results or delayed round times,” Long said.
Debate meets next at Derby High School and Salina South High School.