Lightsaber Guild fundraiser successful
December 8, 2021
Wednesday, before break, Lightsaber Guild held a fundraiser in the commons.
The fundraiser took place immediately after school. The club sold many Star Wars themed baked goods like Jedi and Sith cookies, popcorn balls they named “Shards of Alderan” and more.
After some time, the club put on a show where guild president Maverick Aggson, senior, and alumni consultant Reece Bunning – after giving a demonstration of what they were doing and moves the audience would likely see – did a rendition of Obi-Wan v. Anakin. After the quick show, a few games were played before starting the final show, for those unable to see the first one.
The club chose to put some of their funds earned towards the Salvation Army.
“They do a lot of community outreach as far as programs and [things] like that. They also have an excellent discount store,” Aggson said. “[Anyone] can access these really quality goods at fairly reduced prices.”
The club donated about 60% of their earnings they made to the Salvation Army. The club ended up making up to $300 by the end of the fundraiser. The rest of the money they earned will go towards things like equipment to aid in their performance and more.
“We’ve thought of a couple of options as far as knee pads for some of the more physical aspects of our choreography and just different guards that we can put within our costumes to kind of make it a little bit safer to do some more extreme moves,” Aggson said.