Forensics Tournament Update: Topeka West, Olathe NW, Poetry Out Loud
Photo Courtesy of Mac Phrommany
Junior Allie Cloyd proudly presents her Poetry Out Loud Champion plaque.
March 7, 2022
Topeka West High School (March 4, March 5)
- William Graff (Congress)
- Yazan Mufti (Congress)
- Helinna Bontrager (Congress)
- Maverick Aggson (Poetry)
- Asa Amama (Impromptu Speaking and Poetry)
- Elizabeth Bahlmann (Humorous Interpretation, Impromptu Speaking, and Informative Speaking)
- 4th in Humorous Interpretation
- Ava Bunnell (Prose)
- 2nd in Prose (State Qualified)
- Lane Burgett (Domestic Extemporaneous Speaking)
- Jaxon Carey (Domestic Extemporaneous Speaking)
- 1st in Domestic Extemporaneous Speaking (State Qualified)
- Patrick Fu (International Extemporaneous Speaking)
- 4th in International Extemporaneous Speaking
- Amylee Gil (Original Oratory)
- Remingtan Hansen (Informative Speaking and Congress)
- Lasirra Hines (Program of Oral Interpretation and Poetry)
- 2nd in Poetry (State Qualified)
- 2nd in Program of Oral Interpretation (State Qualified)

- Sufian Khmous (Impromptu Speaking and Domestic Extemporaneous Speaking)
- Kylie Kim (International Extemporaneous Speaking and Congress)
- Hannah Lee (Program of Oral Interpretation)
- Lukah Martinez (Impromptu Speaking and Humorous Interpretation)
- Kaisei Nagai-Velasquez (Humorous Interpretation and Informative Speaking)
- 3rd in Informative Speaking
- Kino Otsuki (Poetry)
- 3rd in Poetry
- Malinda Richardson (Original Oratory)
- Cole Robinson (Impromptu Speaking and Poetry)
- Samuel Ross and Hayden Platt (Duo Interpretation)
- 3rd in Duo Interpretation
- Yeajee Son (Original Oratory)
- 4th in Original Oratory
- Sydney Vahl (Original Oratory)
- 2nd in Original Oratory (State Qualified)
- Salina Wang (Prose and Congress)
- Vareesha Zafar (Dramatic Interpretation and Impromptu Speaking)
- 1st in Dramatic Interpretation
- Sarah Zhang (Program of Oral Interpretation)
- 1st in Program of Oral Interpretation (State Qualified)
- Mian Zhao (Program of Oral Interpretation, International Extemporaneous Speaking, and Congress)
Olathe Northwest (March 5)

- Martin Cejpek (International Extemp and Impromptu Speaking)
- Sam Delong (International Extemp, Program of Oral Interp, and Impromptu Speaking)
- Elimination Rounds competitor in Impromptu Speaking
- 3rd in Informative Speaking (State Qualified and 1 of the necessary 2 bids to go to Nationals)
- Markus Hoehn (Informative Speaking and Impromptu Speaking)
- Savannah Price (Original Oratory and Prose)
- Anvesha Sharda (Impromptu Speaking and International Extemporaneous Speaking)
- Elimination Rounds competitor in Impromptu Speaking
- Emmett Spaw (Impromptu Speaking and Informative Speaking)
- Elimination Rounds competitor in Impromptu Speaking
- 3rd in Informative Speaking (State qualified and 1 of the necessary 2 bids to go Nationals)
- Jamen Trojcak (Impromptu Speaking and International Extemporaneous Speaking)
- Elimination Rounds competitor in Impromptu Speaking
- Kate Ward (Informative Speaking)
- Elimination Round Competitor in Informative Speaking
- Qualified to the National Individual Events Tournament of Champions (NIETOC)
Poetry Out Loud State Competition (Washburn University — March 5)
- Allie Cloyd
- State Champion and National Qualifier​