We need more women in leadership roles

Laneya Christian, Staff Writer

Have you noticed who holds the majority of administrative leadership positions in schools? In general girls and women are discouraged from seeking the top roles by outside attitudes pushed by men. 

Although tremendous strides have been made in gender equality, there is still a fundamental lack of women in leadership roles. 

 Organizations shouldn’t overlook employing women in leadership roles. 

The insufficiency of women in high profile positions leaves younger girls with few role models. The power of role models cannot be overlooked. Everyone needs someone who will guide them forward in their careers. 

This could push away the younger generations from striving to break down barriers.

Schools and organizations have a responsibility for creating better opportunities for women. Additionally women need support to step forward.

When women become leaders, they bring a creative standpoint by providing a different set of skills, perspective, cultural and structural differences, etc. There is no doubt that we’ve all seen women demonstrate passion, enthusiasm and capability to take command in serious situations.

Women are able to make bold and wise decisions that boosts teamwork and helps implement a new culture within the organization.

Most leadership roles revolve around building a supportive network that makes dominate. Most leaders at Manhattan High are male. I’m not saying that they aren’t doing a good job but it would be nice to see more women in action. 

Having female administrators and leaders impact students to learn the art of building relationships and displaying effective communication and interpersonal skills. Empowered women improve outcomes and achieve tasks effectively.

There are still challenges in the way for women leaders.

Most people in the room are men, but this creates an opportunity for women to stand out and show why you shouldn’t be overlooked. 

Sadly for a lot of women leaders, expectations are often set lower. In different perspectives women can be often perceived as emotional and transformational. 

Gender pay gap is often overlooked. When men and women start their careers from scratch, men usually are the ones who are offered more opportunities leading to higher-paying positions. Women earn 82 cents after every dollar a man earns. 

With a more diverse workplace more creative ideas will be presented, which fuel growth and create sustainability. Diversity in the workplace should not prioritize women but instead, have a combination of both.

The women leaders we have at MHS are phenomenal. They are passionate about what they do and prove that leadership isn’t only about you but the whole community. We need more of them.