Sophomore competes in State Piano competition

Elassia Cunninham, Staff Writer

  • Sophomore Audrey Pickering plays at the Regional competition.

  • Freshman Dallin Parish plays at the Regional Piano contest.

  • Sophomore Audrey Pickering plays at the Regional competition.

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She’s done it again.

After hours of rehearsing, sophomore Audrey Pickering traveled to Wichita State University to compete in the State Piano Festival last Saturday and earned a I rating.

Pickering qualified for the state piano festival after receiving a I rating at the Regional Piano competition held on Feb. 7,  hosted at Bethany College in Lindsborg. Pickering competed in both the regional and state competition last year and received a I rating at both competitions.

Prior to the festival, Pickering stated that she had high expectations to achieve the same score she received last year.

“I’m a sophomore now,” Pickering said, “and last year I got a I at Regional and then a I at State, so feel really pressured to get a I at State, because it’s like, last year I did it…now I’m a sophomore, I should definitely get a I. [I am] competing against myself.”

Pickering’s practicing techniques did not differ very much from her technique last year. However, she had the advantage of playing her festival piece more often.

“Last year, I had the same idea,” Pickering said. “Practicing, and this year I performed it more outside of when I actually perform it. I played it at K-State, over at the studio class. I didn’t get to do that last year.”

Pickering has also worked with associate professor of piano Dr. Virginia Houser at Kansas State University and with her mother, who has degree in piano, to prepare for the festival.

Though Pickering felt the pressure to do well, she also felt excited and worried. Her faith helped her to cope with the pressure and anxiety.

“A lot of my religious beliefs have coped with that, like, scriptures of comfort, also, fasting, and just praying,” Pickering said. “Just kind of knowing that if I do my best, the Lord will make up for the rest.”

Pickering has played piano for eleven years and also plays cello in the MHS chamber orchestra. Pickering plans to pursue music in college as well.

“I’ll plan on majoring [in music].  I don’t know what instrument yet. I play cello in orchestra and my dad’s an organ professor at K-State, so I kind of feel like I have, orchestra, the cello, the piano. But, I plan on majoring in music.”