MHS Choir working through their end of year events

Amylee Gil, Staff Writer

As the school year starts to wrap up, the MHS choirs are busy with their end-of-year events. They are holding auditions for next school year all throughout the month of April, while preparing and competing in Regionals and State. 

State Large Group Music Festival was held on April 20 at Lawrence High School, and Regionals Solos and Small Ensembles Music Festival were held here at MHS on April 15.The Pops choir got a one, being the highest ranking, as well as the majority of their solos. Kya Davin, one of the competitors, prepared heavily for these competitions, often practicing with her own voice coach. Her commitment and hard work ended up earning her a 1 rating. 

“I was very excited, especially since it’s not easy learning songs in a different language,” the junior said, “The work definitely paid off.” 

State for solos will be held this Saturday, April 29,in Topeka. Besides regionals, state, and auditions, on April 26 the Chamber Orchestra and Chamber Choir are doing a shared concert at St. Isidore’s Catholic Church at 6:30 p.m, and on Thursday they will have their showcase concert here in Rezac with the jazz band and pops choir. On Sunday afternoon at 2:30 p.m. they will have a shared concert with the Kansas State University choirs. Finally, the choirs will have their final concert at 7 p.m. on May 10. 

“It’s starting to feel more normal,” Chad Pape, choir director, said. “All of the performing arts kind of swirled the toilet during COVID and we’re now getting back to the point where it feels like we’re doing normal contest things.”

Amylee Gil