After their first two meets of the season, the Varsity girls golf team has already brought home a team first place.
The first meet of the season was the Firebird Invitational at Lawrence Country Club Aug. 28. Overall as a team they placed third with a team score of 344. Freshman Maddie Myers placed fifth with a score of 79, sophomore Lily Bahr 11th with an 86, sophomore Kat Ball 13th with an 88, junior Emily Wuggazer 15th with a 91, junior Kaitlyn Lagabed was 21st with a 93 and senior Jessica Kim 27th 97.
“It went pretty good, I feel like for my first two. I think I definitely improved in what I did and made some… smarter decisions,” freshman Maddie Myers said. “I guess I feel like the first one at Lawrence went really well because of how tough the course is but also the Emporia meet I feel like our team did really well like we all scored well.”
At that second meet on Wednesday at Emporia Municipal, the team tied first with 234. Ball and Bahr combined for 75 and placed fourth, Myers and Wren Burton got 76 for a fifth place pair, and Wuggazer and Kim combined for an 83.
“For both meets I didn’t do my best but I haven’t been feeling the greatest either so there’s that,” Wuggazer said. “But overall as a team I think we did pretty good. As a team I feel like..well on Wednesday we played with one of our girls so that was fun but different. It was a different type of tournament.”
Their next meet is Sept. 5 in Salina.