The boys C team took first place with a total of 22 points and an average race time of 16:08 with junior Sam Spiegel placing first overall with a time of 15:40:3 on Sept. 2 at the Manhattan Cross Country Invitational.
In the top 10 MHS had five boys place, those being Sam Siegel placing first, sophomore Hunter Flagg placing third, senior Beckham Hough placing fourth, sophomore Elias Matteson placing sixth, and freshman Samuel Byerly placing eighth. Along with the C team, all five MHS teams that raced also took
first in their respective races. Even though it was hot and early and the course was a bit rocky, Manhattan pulled through with the experience, practice and familiarity with the course.
“We are really proud of how everyone ran today and we are looking forward to Emporia next week.” assistant coach Alex Brown said.