Manhattan High’s Junior Varsity girls won first place with 34 points at the first cross country meet of the 2023 fall season that took place on Sept. 2 at Warner Park, here in Manhattan. Although the meet took place in the morning, it was very hot outside. The course isn’t easy, but it is familiar to the team because they practice there often.
“Man, it really pushes you. It’s great,” junior Regan Gaul said.
The JV girls averaged a time of 18:14. MHS Freshman Scarlett Williams won the race. Fifth and sixth were taken by sophomore Amy Keeley and junior Amelia Anderson. Freshman Camilla Ortiz placed 10th for the team.
“We have a strong group of girls,” Keeley said.
With their win at the beginning of the season, the girls are excited for the rest of the season.
“We’re going to keep giving it our all,” Gaul said.
The next meet will take place on Sept. 9 at Emporia.