The Manhattan High School boys and girls cross country teams advanced to State after both teams placed top three at Regionals.
The boys team placed second at Regionals held at Wichita East with 65 points and an average time of 16:55 with seniors Lucas Holdren and Cooper Sturm taking second and fifth overall. Following Holdren and Sturm were juniors Jack Spiegel and Andrei Mazin, placing 13th and 20th, sophomores Will Richards and Wilson Wesch placing 25th and 32nd, and senior Aidan Hilton placed 46th.
“I feel really good about State this year with how well we’ve done all year and that we competed at Rim Rock already this year,” Holdren said.
The girls team placed third at Regionals with senior Haley Henningson taking fourth overall followed by junior Rebekah Pickering placing 12th; and sophomores Caris Goering, Mira Gurgel and Amy Keeley placing 14th, 16th and 19th. Junior Soleil Disney placed 20th and sophomore Averie Phillips placed 29th.
“Knowing the track and running the track before will definitely help us for State,” Henningson said.
The boys and girls teams will compete at State in Lawrence-Rim Rock next Saturday, Oct. 28, for the last race of the season.