NHS fashion show to return this year
March 9, 2015
National Honors Society is back on the catwalk.
After last year’s debut NHS Fashion Show was a roaring success, NHS members are determined to make this year’s show even more fabulous. To do so, members have been reaching out to the Manhattan community and MHS students alike.
“It showcases MHS students as the models wearing clothes provided by businesses around Manhattan,” publicity chair and senior Francie Knackendoffel said. “It’s a really fun event. There will also be a section of the show for the MHS Prom Shop that shows dresses that have been donated for MHS girls to wear for prom.”
In order to make the show a successful fundraiser, NHS asks Manhattan stores and companies for donations.
“This is the main event to fundraise for the club,” treasurer and senior Dheepthi Perumal said. “It is also an event where NHS comes together to accomplish something for the club and community. We want the community to be involved and we do this by having local business provide the clothing for the show. Also, many of the door prizes are given by the local businesses. As an officer our main goal was improving from last year’s fashion show.”
Much communication and planning is going into this couture production.
“We’ve divided into groups that each have one or two chairs and focus on one aspect of the show,” Knackendoffel said. “There are groups for advertising, concessions, backstage management and other fashion show responsibilities.”
Each of these groups has a leader to help further maximize success.
“[A major part of our planning has been] Communication from the beginning of the school year. We have different committees with head chairs that work together on their part and hopefully all the committees will come together on the final day,” Perumal said. “The most important part of the show is seeing all the students that are a part of it be happy and enjoying it.”
The show, which will be on March 28 at 7 pm, is hoped to be an enjoyable and successful event.
“NHS hopes to have a big turnout and to put on a fun show for everyone,” Knackendoffel said.