German students take part in Schuelerkongress

Joseph Sell, Online Editor-in-Chief

The German classes at Manhattan High competed in the Schuelerkongress on Saturday. Schuelerkongress features many different competitions.

“The students had the opportunity to participate in culture quiz, prose or poetry, reading, scavenger hunt, there was a game room, there were dance and chorus and they could buy things from a small store if they talked to the spapofies who asked them in questions in German,” German teacher Elke Lorenz said.

Junior Nabil Hossain competed in the prose and poster competitions.

“I initially signed up for the singing but I didn’t have time,” Hossain said. “It was good, we placed. We did well overall for our school.”

This year the topic for the event was “World Cup winners speak German.” The Schuelerkongress also took on a new format this year.

“The organization was not that great this year because it was a new format for the Schuelerkongress, we went from a more practice format to a more proficiency format,” Lorenz said. “And so we had a little bit of difficulty pulling it off in as organized of a fashion as we usually do but the students didn’t realize it as much and so everyone had a really good time and we were really excited about the results.”

Students also learned other things.

“I think that it was really fun, I thought it was gonna be really boring but it was fun,” sophomore Alisha Harrington said. “I got to meet a lot of people who spoke fluent German. I didn’t know that many people spoke German.”

Of the students that went to the event, 27 of them earned medals or ribbons from their events. The students are also looking forward to going back next year.