Harry Potter. One of the most famous book and movie series in the world. The story follows the three Gryffindor protagonists around the school of Hogwarts, as they stop evil plot after evil plot. Well, what if there was another story in that universe? One not centered around Potter or the Gryffindor House. One about the Hufflepuffs.
Thus came Manhattan High School’s production of “Puffs.” MHS performed their Fall Play in Rezac on Oct. 19-21. Focused on three protagonists, Wayne Hopkins (freshman Bryce Hutchinson), Oliver Rivers (freshman Jack Farrell) and Megan Jones (junior August Mealing), the story is focused on being the side characters to Potter’s story. While showing the familiar tale is important, the “Puffs” characters deal with threats of their own, just not as extreme as Potter’s. While on their wizard journey, they must traverse through the struggles of growing up, classes (except Herbology), dating and, of course, “He who must not be named.” The wackiness of “Puffs” is very available to see in these somewhat stressful situations.
The Hufflepuff house traverses through all the books of Harry Potter, putting their own experiences in place of Potter’s story, narrated by The Narrator (junior Aubrianna Smith). The Puffs story is explained in context with the original books.
“The play is about accepting who you are even if you aren’t objectively ‘the best,’ being proud of who you are and finding the strength in people you care about,” senior Evie Dye said. Gryffindors are brave, Ravenclaws are smart and Slytherins are cunning. The Puffs don’t have a quality that is looked very highly of in school or in society so it’s commonly referred to as the worst house, a belief that Megan has to overcome. The Puffs story is to prove these statements wrong.
Dye plays J. Finch Fletchley, a Puff, along with the Protagonists and is fun for her to play.
“He’s a very anxious and dramatic character, so I relate to him that way,” Dye said. “It’s the kind of role you can throw yourself into and go all out and you can’t go wrong.”
The Puffs are not a threat, they just want to be your friend.
“Everyone in the cast is super close and it’s a really positive and fun environment,” Dye said. “We’ve all built up a lot of good chemistry.”
The Drama department’s next performance is their annual “Night Of Scenes.” Auditions started on Tuesday.