The Manhattan High School Marching Band will perform at the Manhattan Town Center and downtown to show respect to Veterans during the Veterans Day Parade on Nov. 10.
The Marching Band will pay their respects by playing “God Bless America” multiple times down the parade route, which ends at City Park.
“We start up around the mall and we play ‘God Bless America’ over and over and over again as we march down the street,” senior Ian Carter, tenor sax leader, said.
“We’ll march and play ‘God Bless America’ over and over again,” saxophonist Jaxon Velasco, freshman, said.
Excluding repeating the same song for the whole route, band members seem pretty excited for the Veterans Day Parade. For the fun experiences and the Veterans, and just the day in general.
“It’s fun and I like supporting all the Veterans,” junior Gabriel Mckinley, alto sax leader, said.
Carter also said he enjoys the parade.
“Our directors probably want us to be seen out in the world,” he said. “It’s one of our two parades we do in the year. It is also just some more fun experience to get out there and do parades.”